
Annie sends me a post card

You know, Annie is so good to me bless her she sent me a postcard after founding an artist who sketches portraits right there on the beach walk, portraits on postcards, would you believe it? Anyways she spoke to me over the phone and said "don't just enjoy the picture then put away in the cupboard, please share her happiness with you also". You know Annie thinks your great and ofcourse l do too. She,s on her travels to see her Prince charming, did you guess? That huge picture she carries around with her, no wonder she,s got strong muscles, the portrait artist really sketched two people for the price of one.  I did try to give some compact advice but no she wants a life size version. Well who could blame her really, he,s such a sweetheart. If Annie,s happy she makes me happy. This happiness is so catchy.  Glad you could pop in and stay for for a while. Hoping your having the most amazing day! Love Annie and me. 

You are welcome

 You,re such a beautiful soul, l so want you here with me and thank you for being you and everything you do to be you, you are welcome.  I would like to introduce Annie, who is a good friend of mine and as been for sometime, she,s creative, daft and l never know what's she,s going to create next helping me with acceptance for being who l am. She helps me so l thought how wonderful to introduce Annie to the world and more.  Annie shared her desire to be here right now with you.  Thank you and blessings.